Since an easement on your property usually represents some kind of burden for you, you have the right to refuse this easement if you wish. However, in public and private easements, the company may sue you in certain cases, and a judge may impose the easement on you if he deems it necessary or relevant. If a party needs access to another party`s property, perhaps to access public property or part of its own property, it may apply for a so-called “easement”. Easements are agreements that describe how one party can use another party`s property, usually described in an act or will. For example, a person may apply for an easement to legally walk on a path on their neighbor`s property to access a lake or river. If you have an easement, you are not allowed to “occupy” it, build it, or do anything with it other than access it. However, some easements are agreements to do nothing on your property that would negatively affect the owner of the easement, for example. B construction structures that would block its view. A permissive easement is simply permission to use someone else`s land. This is essentially a license that can be revoked entirely by the owner at any time. The use of this road is permissive and can be revoked by the owner at any time. There are situations where the only way to access a property is to enter your neighbor`s property, even if only a little.
But since property laws are as they are, sometimes it makes sense to get formal legal permission in the form of an easement. A local real estate lawyer can help you make the right decisions. If you decide to give your neighbour permission to use your property for access to fishing, hunting or any other reason, proceed with caution. Create a clear and concise written agreement that specifies the names of the parties, the location of the property, and the permitted use. The agreement must state unequivocally that use is only possible with permission. The agreement, which must be prepared by a competent real estate lawyer, should also provide that the owner can revoke the permissive use at any time. Remember that in the event of a conflict, an oral agreement in court will not be maintained. Protect yourself.
Make sure the agreement has been signed and dated by all parties. Get it notarized. Make sure there are no questions about the validity of the agreement. Once the document is signed and dated, place it in a safe place for future reference. If you want to protect your home from unauthorized use, it`s wise to work with a real estate lawyer to determine the best options for your own individual situation. A real estate lawyer can inform you about local laws and statutes, help you fill out all the necessary forms and submit them for you. If a lawsuit is the only option, you have a better chance of winning your case with a lawyer by your side. Unlike permissive use, which can be revoked at any time, an easement is difficult to undo.
Therefore, a request for easement can lead to costly litigation that could have been avoided with a little legal planning and a lot of foresight. There are a number of different categories of easements, but this article focuses on easements and permissive easements, a distinction based on whether or not the easement is crucial to the holder`s enjoyment of the easement of his or her own property. For more articles on this topic, see The Easements section of FindLaw. Another protection against a future application for easement is a “permissive use notice.” In many states, a notice of permissive use can be registered on one`s own property. This will prevent future conflicts over the type of access allowed or unauthorized. For example, suppose a homeowner has the most convenient access point to a public hiking trail. Since they want to be a good neighbor, they introduce a permissive easement by simply installing a sign that gives access, but says it is a private road. In this way, passers-by easily get on their feet and know that it is private property. But when it becomes a problem – maybe people start drinking on the street after work, making too much noise and leaving beer cans behind – the owner is fully entitled to revoke this permissive easement.
There must be a dominant dwelling house and a serviced dwelling house; The servitude must accommodate the dominant dwelling house, that is, be associated with its enjoyment and benefit; Dominant and serving owners must be different people; It must be possible to grant the right invoked. A permissive easement is simply permission to use someone else`s land. This is essentially a license that can be revoked entirely by the owner at any time. In order to be completely sure that a permissive easement does not turn into a prescribed easement, some landowners install signs indicating the granting of the permissive easement or permit. Such signs – which are often found on private roads – usually say, “This is a private street. The use of this road is permissive and can be revoked by the owner at any time. Unless the three owners of the property sign the easement agreement, the deed has become invalid. Although the fee holder of an estate may grant a life bondage, the duration and applicability of that servitude is limited to the duration of the life succession (i.e., the lifetime of the giver of the estate). For example, you may want an easement because a person`s property provides easy access to water. To obtain an easement, you must negotiate with the landowner whose property you want to use. Next, you need to draft an acceptable legal document and submit it to your deed recorder.