No Fault Divorce in Virginia Forms

There are no formal court forms that deal with the process of separating or divorcing the spouse. Information about the divorce process, as well as practical concerns about financial matters and custody, is available from the Virginia State Bar and These organizations and resources for finding a lawyer, as well as your local court, local law library, or bar association, may also be able to refer you to someone who can help you. VA Law Help 2 Go offers a video that explains your options for pursuing an uncontested divorce with your partner. 5. Grounds for fault: The plaintiff wishes to dissolve his marriage to the defendant for the following reasons:__ A sufficient basis for divorcing in Virginia through no fault of your own is limited to: (1) living separately and separately for one year, or (2) living separately and separately for six months if there are no minor children and the spouses have entered into a separation agreement to obtain a divorce in Virginia, you or your spouse must be a Virginia resident for at least six months before filing for divorce. If there are no children of the marriage, you must be separated for at least six months and have a written agreement to settle the property before you can file for divorce. If there are children of the marriage, you must be separated for at least a year before you can file for divorce. If you choose to represent yourself, you must follow the same procedures as a lawyer. Please do not ask court staff for legal advice or assistance. State law prohibits court staff from providing you with legal advice or assistance.

It is highly recommended to hire a lawyer. Located in Suite 115 of the Fairfax County Courthouse, the Fairfax Public Law Library has computers to access websites and resources for researching divorces in Virginia. If you require a lawyer, please contact the Fairfax County Bar Association`s Lawyer Reference Service at 703-246-3780. If you are using Internet Explorer and cannot open forms, right-click the form and select Save Target As. You will be prompted to save the form to your computer and open it from there. The video Spare the Child, a project of the Virginia State Bar`s Department of Family Law, guides parents through the difficult task of restructuring their families. The documentary conversation video uses everyday language. There are examples of people who have experience in divorce matters, such as judges, lawyers, ad litem guardians, counsellors, teachers and divorced children. Divorces are heard by the circuit court. Custody, visits, child support, filiation and spousal support may be decided by the District Court for relations with minors and domestic relations. After a divorce, applications for review of alimony, custody and visits are usually made to the District Court for Juvenile and Domestic Relations. There are three types of divorces: undisputed, no-fault and contested.

3. I, _____________ I have no objection to the statements made in the DIVORCE ACTION. I hereby accept the facilitation requested therein and the registration of a DIVORCE DECREE that dissolves the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant and terminates it forever. I accept that the court may hear this matter on any day favourable to the court without further notice. I also agree that the court may make any order granting the remedy sought in the DIVORCE ACTION. NOW, therefore, the plaintiff is asking the court to order a DIVORCE DECREE and another remedy that the plaintiff may have sought herein. 4. I waive all rights I have to an application for a new trial, testimony, findings of fact and findings of law, a statement of claim, a notice of registration of a divorce decree and my right of appeal. I do not waive any future right I may have to modify any judgment or decree in relation to this reason.

3. Marriage: _________ An official copy of the marriage certificate is attached to this DIVORCE COMPLAINT. The applicant, ______ I confirm, on pain of perjury, that all statements contained in this affidavit are correct to the best of my knowledge and conviction. I submitted this affidavit of consent in good faith and did not cooperate with anyone in this regard, nor was I subjected to any violence or coercion when I signed it. 2. The marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant broke down irretrievably and reconciliation efforts failed. 4. Jurisdiction: This court has jurisdiction to rule on this ground.

The respondent agreed to make an affidavit of consent in this case. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant has been involved in any dispute or other proceeding in which the other party has been involved in that jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction relating to their marriage or any other domestic matter. Me, ______. .